"A tour de force through some of the weirder veins in rock, including a Hawkwindesque acid folk travelogue ("Immodest"), demented country-cum-Ween ("Hot Dog Halves"), the dreamy psychedelic sludge of Jane's Addiction, replete with ominous, late 80's-style guitar licks ("The Night Before a Year-Long Trip"), and a sad, late 80's too-long-on-the-road ballad ("Foreverday"), film clips of life flashing by in the video to the song, silent, morose faces and childhood sprinkler days of summer, everything going by in thought."
-Review Addict

"There's a very endearing, "for the hell of it" sensibility surrounding this surprisingly engaging project. The vocals are raw, the instruments are raw, the songwriting is raw, and even the humor is kind of raw. In other words, in many ways, it represents the original, unpretentious design of rock and roll."
-BAM Magazine